Together with our friends at Minnesota we had the honor of creating a series of films for HP`s Guldmyran Gala of 2016 and 2017. The films feature the iconic mascot in a world inspired by Mr Robot.
In close collaboration with Electrolux group design we´ve developed a number of films to showcase future innovations for a clean and healthy home.
New trends come with new products and to Korvbrödsbagarn that called for a new advertising concept developed by us at Armstrong Film.
Apotea claims their social responsibility by working together with WWF to reduce pharmaceutical pollution in the Baltic Sea. They also support SOS Children's Villages as they ensure the safety and wellbeing of children around the globe. Armstrong Film was proud to develop and produce films for the two advertising campaigns.
Svea Casino commissioned us to develop an advertising concept for their casino review and comparison guide. It resulted in a series of films where comparing is the name of the game.
Since 1907, the Norwegians have enjoyed a healthy breakfast made of oats from the mills of AXA. Armstrong Film took on the challenge of depicting a 110 year journey in a mere 10 second film.
As Kicks celebrated 25 years of successful business they looked towards the future and envisioned new ways to meet with their customers. The concept was developed by our friends at Minnesota who then conntacted us to capture a bit of the future on film.
As our homes and appliances become more and more connected we face an increasing vulnerability. Without sufficient security we're unknowingly letting digital intruders into our homes. Together with Humblestorm we managed to make the most out of limited means and created an eye catching thriller for F-Secure.